0421 378 587

Welcome to Sonic Embrace, it's so wonderful to connect with you!

Reconnect, be nurtured and feel your whole being regenerate with healing frequencies that open your heart and awaken new possibilities...

My name is Rebecca and I love sharing the restorative, heart awakening, mind expanding benefits of therapeutic sound. Having offered my services as a vibrational healer since 2007 along with channelling activation codes and light language for some years before, my calling to sound was a natural progression and very much divinely timed. Since commencing my training in 2012, I've discovered so much joy in guiding others to meet themselves through the mirror of sound and have witnessed many incredible transformations!

Magical things unfold when creating sonic tapestries with various instruments and by offering tuning forks to the body via acupoints and the auric field. People return to home within themself, connecting in ways that allow their wisdom to shine forth and their inner guidance system to become more clearly attuned. Insights arrive from within the depths, emotions surface to be met with love and a sense of lightness and ease is restored, whilst freeing one from past versions of themself.

I know it's had a profoundly positive effect upon my being and I truly believe it can do the same for you!

Are you ready to explore the universe within?

Are you ready to experience more freedom, peace and well-being in your day to day life?

Let's join together and see what's possible!

After completing extensive training with the British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) and the AcutonicsĀ® system, I'm qualified in all facets of sound therapy offered here at Sonic Embrace.

This includes....

  • One to One Gong Therapy

  • Tuning Fork Therapy - BAST Method + AcutonicsĀ® (have completed up to level 9 + electives)

  • BAST Method Sound Therapy

  • Sonic Massage

  • Sound baths & Interactive Community Sessions and more.

I've also trained and performed with Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux and have developed my own signature style of working with sound combined with other methods of vibrational therapy and multidimensional healing. (You can discover more of what I offer through my sister website here.)

If your inner being responds with curiosity and a smile, I invite you to explore these pages and discover how therapeutic sound can benefit you.

Sonic Blessings, Rebecca

What's on offer at Sonic Embrace

  • One to One sound therapy sessions tailored to meet your needs and intention.

  • Immersive Sound Bath experiences available to the public or as private groups.

  • Light language activations and archetypal attunements.

  • Relaxation sessions for times when you just need to wind down and receive.

  • Seasonal Sound Treatments to work with the element and organ systems of the current cycle.

  • Interactive sound sessions where you experience transformation through playful self-expression.

  • Sound experiences to suit your retreat, event or corporate wellness program.

  • Distant treatments via Zoom.